Sunday, January 3, 2016

two thousand and fifteen

going through these pictures was very weird. i feel like the last time i saw snow was twenty five years ago, and living in new york feels like thirty years before that.

2015 was an odd year. i graduated with my masters degree, traveled around the world, moved to a new city, and started my first real job. these milestones really helped to solidify a few things that i probably knew already. the biggest one, that i'll be grateful to have in my back pocket for years to come? that home is a feeling, not a place. home is where you feel alive and happy and excited to take on the next big thing. home is with the people that keep you going.

a recap:
  • jan: i stayed with my sister in miami and then came back to snowcopalypse 2015 in nyc
  • feb: it continued to snow, i continued to explore 
  • march: snow, cont.
  • april: j and i celebrated three years; i ran my first quarter-life-crisis half marathon
  • may: we graduated, we headed to cape cod, i ran my second quarter-life-crisis half marathon
  • june: chiang mai and koh phangan and bangkok and all my elephant-petting dreams came true
  • july: LA to SF, then a move to DC and my first job
  • august: adjustment, cont.
  • sept: back to my city, my N-Y-C
  • oct: a visitor from the west (arguably best) coast; i bought a kitten
  • nov: flew south to give thanks
  • dec: i turned 25 and have no idea what i'm doing next. 
"sometimes i need only to stand wherever i am to be blessed."
- mary oliver

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