sometimes the transition from school to vacation can feel so weird. finals were a constant go go go - a constant what should I be drilling into my head right now? the steps in logistic regression? the repercussions of a dirty well in africa?
when we were finally freed, i remember waking up from my first long nap and feeling a bit uneasy. as i sat in bed with this feeling, trying to pinpoint it's origin, i realized it was because i had nothing specific to work for. i had no pressing deadline (well, except for that policy memo due january 7th, but I have yet to finish so that's neither here nor there), no impending exam, no more reasons to make the treck up to 168th.
i've already touched on my thoughts on busyness, yet this time, i felt comfortable knowing that I had the next few weeks to do absolutely nothing but enjoy family time and the good weather that my southern home brings. as well as the surgery i had today on my teeth, which kind of forces me to spend my time ringing in the new year on the couch with the fam and a blender-spun concoction.
p.s. i only half apologize for so many pictures of my dog.
"affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives"
- c.s. lewis