{surprise gifts from the boyfriend: RHCP cd - appropriately named "i'm with you :)," and some oat barz cuz we nutrition fuh-reaks. smiles for miles.}
{friendly faces + puppy dog eyes making my day friday during my NMM shift}
{live on the green: the alabama shakes + apache relay}
{DIY canvas tote. "a" for awesome (or amy).}
just kidding! no cheers from this girl this weekend. i literally did nothing except work, save for the ASB site leader retreat (WOOT!) and cleaning the nashville mobile market - for 4 hours. i'm currently in a bleach-induced delirium. just a little recap of the past few days before i lock myself up with the work that's been piling up in the humble abode i call my dorm.
au revoir until fall break!
"worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength."
- corrie ten boom