{FPOP at spice market + treatin' yoself is always good}
{central park --> soho --> west village}
i was chatting with a few friends the other day about how this semester has gone by SO dang quickly. it feels like i was just stepping off the international flight from europe to jfk a few days ago, standing in line in customs for hours before i was released to the rhythm of the taxis and tourists on the midtown streets. the weird thing is that the first year of this program seemed to go by really slowly, each new city experience constantly reminding me that i'm not from here, each new grad school flop reminding me how new this field is to me. but now, i question how long one has to be in this city to call oneself a new yorker and could board the train at 125th with my eyes closed. it went by slowly at first and is going by too quickly now but i feel like i've been here a million years. it's funny how time does that.
sometimes i wonder when i'll be settled, and if i should be settled, and what does "settled" actually mean? i'm in my early 20s, so should i be traveling the world because i won't have time when i'm old? or was this summer the extent of my adventures before my quarter life crisis? will i be part of one of those traveling-yet-can-still-hold-a-stable-job-down couples that i so admire? when this 2 year program is over, will i even stay in the next place for the next 2 years? do i want to stay in new york? do i even like new york? the times are a-changing and so are the questions that i ask myself day in and day out, over coffee and midterm exams and job fairs slowly creeping up our backs.
the parents came this weekend and i spent most of it wandering through the most southern streets of manhattan. a little bit of street art, a lotta bit of loving, and a much-needed weekend to bring myself back to the ground.
{from uptown to downtown to the east and the west}
lately, i've been uptown for classes and downtown for dinner and on another island for weekends and everywhere in between. although life has been all over the place, i'm still taking time to cross the best off my bucket list and slow down to enjoy the little things.
"you are no one's project. regard anyone who sees you as such with deep skepticism.
the bad and good rush in together.
.....there will be whole stretches of time when everything feels unnerving and terrifying and deeply unsettling. but you must keep going. you must show up. you must pace yourself. and when given the chance to say hello, you must take it.
....surround yourself with people smarter than you.
you gotta keep going. moving in a specific direction.... because the landscape will shift when you least expect it. but as there's not predicting when, or how, it's often a long and lonely trek. but there are good blind curves. good things do happen, and the terrain does transform. and it means more for the wait."